
Posted: June 25, 2021

Today is Report Card Day!

Posted: June 17, 2021

During the summer break, Ms. Julie, nurse practitioner, will be available for non-urgent consultations related to clinical services in sexual health. She can offer services virtually or in person in Caraquet or Bathurst.

To make an appointment, you can contact her administrative assistant at (506)726-5400 who will give you an appointment or put you on a waiting list for an appointment.

If the reason for consultation cannot wait, please see your primary health care provider or walk-in clinic or consult the emergency department if it is urgent.

Posted: June 8, 2021

There will be an additional walk-in vaccination clinic tomorrow, June 9th at the KC Irving Centre from 8:30am to 3pm for those who have yet to get their first dose.

Posted: May 26, 2021

Assessment of Learning Week: June 14-18


Posted: May 3, 2021

Potential grads can now apply for local scholaschips. Please visit for instructions.

Posted: April 22, 2021

Registration for the 2021-22 school year is now in full swing (grade 10 and 11 students). For Leadership, Outdoor Pursuits and Coop students must apply. If you have selected these as one of your options for next year, use these links to apply.


Leadership and/or Outdoor Pursuits:

Posted: April 13, 2021

Good Evening Parents and Guardians,


Posted: March 31, 2021

RE-SCHEDULED OPERATIONAL RESPONSE DAY. Tomorrow, Thursday, April 1st Bathurst High School will be closed to students so vaccination clinics can take place. There will be no distance learning on this day. This also means that all students will now be returning to classes full-time on Monday, April 19th.

Posted: March 29, 2021

IMPORTANT CHANGE OF SCHEDULE... teacher vaccination clinics planned for tomorrow have been postponed. Tuesday will now be a regular school day for Track B students with Track A distance learning.

Posted: March 26, 2021

Attention students, parents and guardians. There has been a change to the "Operational Response Day" that was to take place Monday, March 29th.


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